I wasn't going to stand in the election this time round. I'd done what I wanted last time (had a bloody good time and raised awareness about the MRLP and got people thinking about their vote). And I knew everyone was really pissed off with politicians of all parties - what with the expenses scandal and everything. But then two strange scotsmen in The Rochester persuaded me I should. ( also people had been coming up to me in the pub to tell me they would vote for me this time.) So this is what happened........
182 votes ! Thanks very much all you loonies out there. If everyone had been allowed in to vote might have got a few more!???!??!?
Thurs night was a very strange affair. We arrived at the town hall at about 11.30 to find some very angry people who hadn't been allowed to vote. I'd be angry too. After talking to them we wandered inside and began the long wait. The very long wait. The 15 hour wait! It was supposed to be all over by 4.00 am but it took until almost 11.30am on the fri morn just to finish verificating the three votes. I don't think I've ever drank so much coffee or watched so much political TV. It took just 2 1/2 hours to actually count the the parliamentary vote and so by 2.30 - surprise, surprise - Diane Abbot was announced the winner. Hey! - she actually spoke to me this time! (Actually her entourage were really friendly.) It had been an interesting but Knackering night - so home to bed. - No photo's of the announcements I'm afraid - My official photographer had wimped out hours before.
We couldn't organise a victory party in Stokey because of the Tottenham v Man City game last night so The Big Fibbers went over to East Mosely to join in Chinners' celebrations at The Poyntz Arms. Along with Crucial Chris & Monkey the drummer and their bands 'What's Next?' and 'Mojo Crew'. Chinners was playing with 'Duvet'. Lady Titian was there too. We all had a jolly good time. Got back about lunch-time today for some last minute campaigning in Dalston. Then home and a lie down.
Right - I'm off to vote now. And I think I'm going to vote for myself!
Out campaigning on the streets again - Met Suzanne Moore - don't really understand why she's standing or what she's standing for. Then to The Rochester to draw the raffle- raising money for clic sargent. Lots of interesting conversations with the locals.
Fri night we spoke to loads of people in every pub in Brecon. Lord Offa got promises of votes from pretty much everyone he met! He's gonna do really well - Maybe even be the first Loony to retain his deposit! - Now is it worth placing a bet on that? Saturday night was Lord Offa's Victory Party - He's celebrating already! We all had a great time. Sunday a slow drive back to London and now back campaigning in Hackney. Been answering a load of email enquiries.
So there are nine other people standing in North Hackney. The usual three, the greens, the christain party, 3 independants and a bloke from something called the magna carta party - who they?
I handed in my nomination papers and £500 at the town hall yesterday. I haven't heard anything from them so I'm presuming it's all alright. Which means I'm doing it! - Vote for me, vote for me and the Raving Loonies!
Actually you will be voting for me, the MRLP and William Hill. William Hill - the bookies - are sponsoring us during the election and it has been decided that the name that appears on the ballot paper will be 'Monster Raving Loony William Hill Party'. I'm not sure that I think this is a good idea - I hope it doesn't put you off. We are still The Official Monster Raving Loony Party - it just doesn't say that on the ballot paper .( more crazy election rules to confuse people). Anyway at least you know now who is sponsering us. All the other parties are sponsored by loads of different people and organizations but do they tell you who they are on the ballot paper? Do they hell. But The Monster Raving Loony Party does. We are sponsored by William Hill. Which means you should be able to get some good loony bets at your local bookies.
On Sunday 18thApril Knigel Knapp will be demonstrating the new Loony-bike on the river Thames near the houses of parliament.
The Loony-bike is a floating bicycle, capable of speeds up to 10mph.
Knapp says” They’re great - environmentally friendly and they will get the nation fit if everyone starts using them. And what with global warming everyone might have to use them when the sea levels rise. In the meantime we might have to build a few more canals (but Birmingham has got more canals than Venice) and that can only be good for the unemployment figures.”
See Knigel Knapp - and MRLP friends - at about 11.00/11.15 am at the south end of Lambeth Bridge. Meet at Lambeth Pier opposite Lambeth Palace.
Come along and join in the fun - Dressing up -in party colours, yellow & black or leopard skin print - would be greatly appriciated ! Don't forget your camera ! Help turn the new transport policy into a bit of a party - A Monster Raving Loony Party!
I gave away loads of badges and posters and even a few copies of the manifesto ! The pub was packed, The Fibbers were great , even my speech went ok. The raffle was rather marvelous and people asked questions and I managed to answer some of them.We drank lots of beer and had a bloody good time ! And Reuters was there to film it all ! - Coming to a TV near you soon - or more likely somewhere in the far east.
There being The Royal Sovereign, Northwold Rd. E5 7.00 onwards
( for more details see entry for 29th March - below )
Knigel Knapp MRLP posters now available! If any of you lovely people of North Hackney want any to put up in your windows please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There are also some more posters available to download free at www.omrlp.com
The cover star on this issue (writes N16) is Knigel Knapp. Aside from looking like a derranged Captain Beefheart from his Trout Mask Replica incarnation (google it,younger readers) Knigel is our local Christmas pudding expert and also indulges in musical antics and Shenanighans withhis band The Big Fibbers. He stood at the last General Election as official Monster Raving Loony candidate for Hackney North & Stoke Newington, andhe's doing it again this year. He gathered nearly 500 votes last time around(just a few thousand less than Diane Abbot) and in order to save his £500 deposit this time, he requires over 1200 people to put an 'X' next to his name. Dissappointed as we at N16 are with the identikit posturings and pious platitudes of the main political parties, we have decided to support Knigel, largely as a protest vote against the current Westminster expenses-dodgers, duckpond architecs and the like, and we urge our readers to do the same. We look forward to quaffing celebratory champagne on the house of comms the day after the election. Indeed, so confident is Knigel of victory that he is having his victory party the day before the election. There's chutzpah for you. Vote Knapp : you know it makes sense.
I couldn't have put it better myself ! - And I like the fact that they are fibbing on my behalf - 500 votes??
And how do we know?
Because Knigel Knapp & The NorthHackney branch of The MRLP will be holding a Grand Manifesto Launch on Sat 10th April at The Royal Sovereign, Northwold Rd. E5 .
There will be political speeches - sort of, a raffle, a question and answer session - so bring along your questions - and some answers too - cus I haven't got very many - and musical entertainment from The BIG Fibbers.
So come along - 7.00 pm onwards - Bring any manifesto ideas that you may have - we want to do what you want to do - we want to have a party - A Monster Raving Loony Party!
The weekend of 20th/21st March saw a vist to London by Chris Rogers - Lord Offa of the Dykes. He's standing in Brecon & Radnorshire in the forthcoming General Election. He met up with Knigel Knapp in North Hackney and they spent some valuable time discussing their campaigns and manifestos. They also spent some valuable time sampling the beer that the local hostelries had to offa. It was decided that Chris should try and appeal to the farmers of Mid Wales by offa-ring to collect all their bull-shit. He wants to turn it into energy and feed it into the national grid. Chris also attended the fabulous gig by The BIG Fibbers at The Royal Sovereign on Saturday night. He promptly booked them for his Victory Celebration Monster Raving Loony Party- at his local pub in Llandrindod Wells- to be held on Sat. 24th April - almost two weeks before the probable date of the election .That's confidence for you - or is he just a loony???
Another pub quiz will be visited by the Monster Raving Loonies. This time they are descending upon The Nobody Inn on Newington Green on Thurs 4th March. If any one feels like joining us and being part of another humiliating win or a fabulous last place please come along and join in the fun. We will be there from about 7.30 onwards.
We came last. (see below) Hooray!
Next mrlp pub quiz team appearance will be on Tue 23rd Feb at The Rose and Crown on Stoke Newington Church St.
Start time - 7.30/8.00 See you there!!
So here I am - The campaign for 2010 is under way! It's been a bit of a slow - and late - start but things are beginning to happen.
I had a brilliant photo shoot with David Green - www.davidxgreen.com - around Dalston . You can see some of the results on this newly updated site - Yes, I've updated the website! -
We've also got the MRLP quiz team up and running again. It's a great way of telling a whole pub full of people that The Monster Raving Loony Party is on the scene again. Five of us attended the pub quiz at The Shakespeare on Mon 8th Feb and we came first! (BIG FIB)
If anyone is interested in coming along to the next one please get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Not sure where we will be but maybe The Nobody or The Sovereign or The old Sheila or....... and it will probably be next week sometime. I will let you know - keep checking here for details.
And we've organised a Manifesto Launch. This will take place on Sat 10th April at The Shakespeare on Allen rd N16. There will be a raffle, some speeches, musical entertainment from The Big Fibbers, lots of beer drinking and a bit of a party - a monster raving loony party! I'm not sure about the speeches because I've pretty much decided that there will be NO POLICIES. This time round a vote for the MRLP will be PURELY A PROTEST VOTE! see manifesto 2010
So now we are waiting for them to call the election. - Why can't we have fixed terms? That would stop all this not knowing when - and not being able to plan for - the election will be. And stop that nonsense that happened when Gordon Brown took over running the country and none of us having a vote on the matter.
Blimey - some real politics! - well that's enough of that.
To be continued..............................